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Find Your Center 

Stay grounded and

find emotional stability

Workshop composed of 12 sessions

By observing your thought and feelings without judgment, you can better understand yourself and your emotional patterns. It can help you to respond to difficult emotions with greater compassion and understanding rather than getting caught up in self criticism or negative self talk.


In this workshop we use different proven methods to help you more centred and in control which can be particularly helpful when dealing with strong emotions such as fear, anxiety and depression.


We work with some effective techniques that can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters that can help you to feel more positive and energized.

In this workshop,

We will work in basic and Advanced level in each skill setting
1- Distress Tolerance Skills 
2- Mindfulness Skills
3- Emotion Regulation Skills
4- Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills.

Result of Distress Tolerance Skills

- Improve emotional regulation
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Reduce the intensity and duration of

    emotion distress
- Increase resilience
- Improve coping skills
- Enhance individual session outcome

Result of Mindfulness Skills

- Increase self awareness
- Improve emotional regulation
- Focusing in present moment and 
   calm your mind/ body 
- Reduce negative thinking
- Increase resilience

Result of Emotion Regulation Skills

- Improve emotion stability
- Reduce Impulsivity
- Improve interpersonal  relationship
- Increase self awareness 
- enhance your overall mood

Result of Effective Communication

- Better self expression
- Improve understanding 
- Conflict resolution 
- Improve relationship
- Increase more control on behavior

This workshop is for you if you have some of these symptoms: 

- Intense emotion reaction
- Inability to manage strong emotions
- Difficulty tolerate distress
- Ineffective communication
- Chronic stress
- Childhood trauma
- Impulsive behavior


...even if you have a difficulty identifying and expressing your emotions


Presented by
Khatereh Zabihi


Workshop Facilitator.

Reserve your 15 minutes free assessment

The Advantages of Participating in this group :

1. Accountability
and Support

Working with a group can help you stay accountable to your goals and provide support as you work through challenges.

4. Practice and feedback

This Workshop provides opportunities to practice new patterns and receive feedback from both the facilitator and other participants.

2. Learning
from others

In this workshop, you can learn

from others who have struggled

with similar issues and

discover new strategies.

5. Reduce Isolation

Procrastination and perfectionism can be isolating experiences, but participating in a group workshop can help you feel less alone and more connected to others.

3. Increased self-awareness

Become more self-aware of some destructive patterns, provide a space to reflect on why these behaviors occur and how I can heal from the past

6. Motivation

The sense of accountability and support that comes from a workshop can help motivate you to take action and make progress towards your goals.

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